What Are The Main Differences Between Water Filters And Water Purifiers?

The terms water purifier and water filter are used interchangeably today as they sound similar. The reality is there are differences between the two. Filtration and purification are somewhat different terms. Your ability to distinguish between water purifier vs. filter is your understanding between the two systems.  It is essential that you know the difference between the two systems before buying one for yourself or doing water filter system installation doylestown pa. With the best system based on your requirements in place, you will be able to attain the best results of a good glass of water without the hassle of being confused. Luckily for you, this article is to clear your confusion between water filters and purifiers.

Water filters and purifiers

Water Filters

The water filtration is the parting of pollutants from the water using filters and physical barriers. The pores of the filters will filter out the contaminants based on their size. Most water filtration systems make use of activated carbon to block out the microscopic pathogens from contaminating the drinking water.

Since most of the impurities that can be in the water are carbon-based, the activated carbon filters will be able to filter out the contaminants. Water Filtration can also improve the texture of the drinking water.

Because the filter has the ability to retain dust, bacterial cells, and other pathogenic pollutants, but the water filter systems are not that effective at filtering against chemical compounds. They can pass through the pores of the filter easily and hence are not that effective.

Water Purifier

The main aim of water purifiers is to remove the impurities from the water. Water purifiers mainly function on killing the biological contaminants in the water. This is primarily done with the help of iodine and chlorine. The water purification makes use of processes of treatments like UV treatments and Reverse osmosis. They remove all the contaminants in the water by using various functions.

UV water purifier

In this type of water purifier, ultraviolet radiation, i.e., UV light can destroy the DNA of living organisms like cells and pathogens. They will end up rendering them harmless. The UV water purifier is a potent function used to purify the water.


Maintaining a clean and water supply is essential for a proper healthy lifestyle. After understanding the differences between water filters and purifiers, allows you to find the right system based on your needs. While both systems are sound, make sure to go for the one that best suits you.

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